Monday, July 7, 2014

Brighton Weekend Part 3

Brighton Pavilion.  I went in - Bill decided to give it a pass. 
I wish I could share it with you but no photography was allowed inside so we will have to make do with these exterior shots.  It was decorated with very lavish Chinoiserie…not my taste but I can certainly appreciate the over-the-top luxuriousness. 

 Back to The Lanes….
 And a view of the pier….
 A quick stop at the Hand in Hand pub….

 On our way out to dinner we ran into a 70's inspired bachelor party.  
 This makes me wish Bill and I could get married all over again so Bill could get Dave into a rainbow leisure suit.
Scenes from dinner…we went to a seafood place that one of the shop keepers told us about.  It was already booked but there were two free seats at the small counter outside and although it was rainy, we were under an awning and warm enough to take whatever seat we could get.  
Prime seats to watch the chefs in action.

My dessert was Eton Mess…Brighton style - unconventionally served on a slate with grapefruit and orange sections.  Mouth-waveringly delish!
 Bill's dessert was a scotch.  We both went home very happy and fell asleep to the sound of screeching night gulls.

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