Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 30 - Quiz Night!

Weak Sauce perfects mediocrity with 6th place out of 12.  We had a new face in our line up and a new do - -Ann Maria is sporting newly chopped locks and her friend Hilary (who we met the night we met Ann Maria) came along for the fun.

Some ladies from Alabama tried to help us at the start of the night.  Actually, they tried to help Bill.  I was sitting at the table but for some reason Bill couldn't be pried away from the bar.
Nero was at the pub again - - he was there a few weeks ago with his owner.  He didn't have any answers but he did have a few bites of my dinner.  (Fortunately his owner had a few answers and adopted us as his charity team for the night.)
Orchestra was there - Jules, Jerry, and Ollie.  We had too many people to make one team and there were no tables big enough where we could sit together.
Ok, enough of this faffin' about - let's get to the quiz.
Quis Questions:
What creatures did Prince George go to see on his first birthday?
What are the top 5 religions (other than Christianity) in Britain according to the last census?
What was the name of the actor who had a break out role in the movie 300?
What was the name of Knightrider's car?
Marie Curie named this chemical element after her home country.
Who wrote BFG?
Who wrote Black Beauty?
Who is from the planet Galifrey?
What type of fish was Nemo in Finding Nemo?
Time for acting class!

Since we've been coming here in January there has been a 200 GBP pot at the end of the night and Jules finally won it by knowing the colors of the Olympic rings!!!

Quiz Answers:
Islam, Hinduism, Buddism, Judaism, Sikhism
Gerard Butler
Roald Dahl
Anna Sewell
Dr Who
Clown Fish

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