Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Quiz Night without Bill

Bill has a work do this Tuesday which means I was on my own for quiz night.  Fortunately, we are friends now with Orchestra so this week we became Saucy Orchestra!!  (Ann Maria had a shite day so didn't come - John came by for 2 seconds but then left and I don't really know what his story is.)  The World Cup was on (Germany vs Brazil - -a complete disaster for Brazil) so it seemed like a light crowd and the ones in the pub were glued to the TV in between quiz rounds.

The bad news is that Jules from Orchestra wrote all the questions and answers so now  - even though I grabbed the scrap sheets - I am having trouble putting the remember them all.   I'm sure the fact that I knew the answers to about 5 questions total all night is part of the reason as well.
Quiz Questions:
What are the 5 languages of the United Nations (besides English)?
Who are the 5 most recent Wimbledon womens's singles winners?
What is the real first name of Michael Caine?
What English university has the most enrollment (I might be messing this one up)?
What food product UK is trying to import into the US?  (This isn't how the question was asked exactly…the US has to lift a ban…But I knew this one.)
Who was the Captain of the Millennium Falcon? (for the record - I knew this one without even thinking!!)
Which monarch had 19 prime ministers during their time reign?
What song won Eurovision in 1974?
What band did something for Monty Python's new show (again - not the exact question but close)?
And my favorite:  A middle aged man was described as being very calm by witnesses before he did THIS in a Barclay's Bank.

French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Mandarin
Petra Kvitova, Marion Bartoli, Serena W, Venus W, Amelie Mauresmo
Maurice (Mickelwhite)
Open University
Han Solo
The Rolling Stones
Pooed!!!  (My excitement above probably gave it away).  
Let that be a warning to Stacey - never go to Barclay's in your sandals. 

Result: Saucy Orchestra tied for first place with Buffet….and lost.  The tie breaker questions was what year did Joan of Arc die.  I had no idea of course.  Turned out to be 1431 and Buffet was closest. A pox on your house, Buffet!!  Saucy Orchestra will be back next week while Bill is away.

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