Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Guest Post From Joey!

With Dad home, and since it has been forever since I have guest posted here, I figured now would be as good of a time as ever to update you guys on my life.

First things first, I am in my 5th summer at YMCA Camp Spindrift. I am working in the Small Fries (which means 3, 4, and 5 year old boys and girls). I never really went to a YMCA camp growing up, but I ended up at Spindrift because my best friend practically grew up there and wanted me to work with him. It has turned into one of the best decisions I have ever made. I met some of my best friends at camp, met my lovely girlfriend Allie (that's her covered in mud), came out of my shell a considerable amount, and I have had the opportunity to make a positive impact on so many young kids.  I know the day that I stop being a camp counselor is coming up soon, but right now I am loving getting paid to be a goof ball.
My Fries during Art/Story Time

Me and Allie being ridiculous during the Gloucester Parade

I was the Ring Master for Carnival Week (all the kids called me Abe Lincoln)

Another part of my life that I am really enjoying is my new men's basketball league that I joined. My team is The Frolicking Manatees, and while we are averaging a loss of about 30 points, I am having a blast. The team is made up of counselors from my camp, and Derek, who is a long time friend from high school. Tonight Dad caught my game, which was fantastic. Sorry to Dad, because he saw me play my worst game and we lost by 27 points. Hopefully next week the Manatees will frolic a little harder and get our first victory! 

That's me, Sousa, and Noah standing, with Derek and Audrey (the only girl in the league) kneeling. 

We lost, but I still got my workout in. 

And that's about all I got going right now. Camp takes up about 40+ hours every week, and that doesn't included all the hours that our staff spends outside of camp hanging out and driving each other nuts. The rest of my time consists of playing basketball, doing fun things with Allie, Derek and other friends, and resting up for the next camp day. It was amazing having Dad back for the last two weeks, and just hanging out with him like the old days. I can't wait until he's back in the States for good!

I'll end this guest post with a personal favorite picture of me. 


Fletch said...

Best post in months (except for anything Jen posts of course). More Joey, More Jen...less Bill.

didi said...

yay Joey! so great to see you so happy.