Monday, May 2, 2016

Prelude to Literary Festival/Fabbie update

 Jen will be posting about her weekend running the Newburyport Literary Festival and playing with her Fabbie Friends.
In the meantime, let me pop something up.  Jen is in NYC with the girls and I'm sure blogging is lower on her agenda.
 The first picture is Jen and Vickie on stage, introducing the Lit Fest honoree, Debbie Szabo.  Jen is good on stage.  She and Vickie make a great pair.
Those of us who know 'social Jen' would think she would be the Lucille Ball of the pair.
But NO!  'Professional Jen' is an entirely different person.
Professional Jen is very adept at running a meeting, MCing an event, NOT saying anything inappropriate.
You wouldn't even know it's her.
Very proud of Jen.  She throws herself all into running this festival and she's great at it.
Meanwhile, Vickie has taken to smelling me when I've just smoked a cigar.  She loves cigars.
She's the 1%er who is enjoys it.  A awkward as it is to be sniffed, it's better than the opposite, I suppose.

1 comment:

didi said...

I heard you and Stacey had a great day together, Bill. :)