Sunday, May 8, 2016

Festival Friday

Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we started Festival Friday off at Angie's Diner.   Chris, Kats, me….
…Jana, Lisa and Earle.
In the past, I've had to spend the Friday afternoon of the festival weekend running around setting up - but not this weekend!!  This year Glenn took over operations and I was able to sit back and enjoy my eggs without a lot of stress.
The festival kicked off with our "overture"…Senator George Mitchell came to talk about his book, The Negotiator.  The event was "sold out" but I snagged early tickets for the Fabbies, who loved it.  
We were able to get him to come because Vicki and family have old connections.  Here is George posing with the whole Hendrickson clan.
Vicki and I like to do our annual selfie.
After the Firehouse events we headed over to the Dinner with the Authors.  This year it was held in the Masonic Hall instead of the Greek Church because it was Greek Easter weekend.  Other than the bottleneck at the door/ticket table, it went off without a hitch.
Booktopian Emily joined us for the weekend, booking an Airbnb place on the water.
Bill met us at the dinner.
Here is the ace operations team - Glenn and KK saved the day. 
We were photobomed by an author in the line for the bar!
Bill and Earle started their weekend spy games.
The Lovely Lisa
The after party at the Grog.
These are our sad faces.  We're missing out other Fabsters - - Nancy and Dawn. All we can do is drown our sorrows in liquor.
After a few drinks even sad Fabbies can't help but start laughing it up
Bill Direction:  Jen should act like she thinks she is hysterical while the others are all bored with her stories.  
What incredible acting by Kats and Chris because, let's face it, I AM hysterical...

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