Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fully Committed

Since yesterday's post we also lost Dawn and Chris.
Four little Fabbies left in New York.
We decided to distract ourselves from our sorrow by seeing another show - Fully Committed. A one man show starring Jesse Tyler Ferguson from Modern Family.

I think of the four of us, I enjoyed it the most.  I love a good farce.  But we all agreed that this show took a ton of talent to pull off.  Jesse played a reservationist at a swanky NY restaurant and he must have done at least 30 characters as different people called for reservations, his father called about having him come home for the holidays, the chef called to scream at him etc.  He had to switch back and forth and make each character distinctive and make it all flow seamlessly.  It was pretty amazing.
Kats got this good shot of him clicking his heels on the way out.
Writing these blogs I'm seeing a trend…the post show drink fest.
Dinner at another Italian place near Nancy's apartment.
I love this series of Nancy and Kats just chatting and laughing and feeling the Fabbie love.

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