Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Met

We spent Thursday afternoon at the Met.
In particular we wanted to see the Psycho barn house on the roof.  It was a nice creepy gloomy day for it.
It brought out the psycho in us!
I'm not sure if Jana is simply not acting or she is more psycho than any of us doing that smiling/stabbing pose.
There is just way too much to see in this museum.
Bill's favorite…he's always with me in spirit!
A few random pieces of art...
There was an exhibit about fashion in the age of technology in one of the wings.  The title of the show is Manus x Machina - - showing the distinction between hand made (embroidered, lacework, etc) and machine made (3D printing, laser cut, etc)
The fashion exhibit was probably wasted on me since I don't really understand haute couture - is there a human being who is actually wearing one of these feather dresses?  Or are they created just to be displayed?  But it must be worn or how is it fashion?  
I really should have taken more pictures of the art. 

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