Thursday, May 12, 2016

The View

Lisa got us four tickets to be in the audience at The View!  Kats, Jana, and I decided to join her. There are lots of rules to follow.  Line up outside at 8:30 AM (for the 11 AM show) , wear bright colored tops and no patterns and come with a pair of healthy lungs because they expect you to do a lot of yelling.

Here we are lined up outside in the "priority" line.
Once you get inside they have you sit in a studio cafe.  They give you free orange juice or you can buy coffee or tea but since you can't get up to pee during the show none of that is a very good idea. We found that out when we got in line to pee before the show.  The line was long and slow since they had to walk you in a group of 6 down a hall to a small 3-stall ladies room.  You'd think in a fancy studio where they know they will have hoards of women excited to be on The View they would do a bathroom reno and add a few stalls.
Here we are on set!!  
It was fascinating to watch the guy try to get us to be as loud as we could possibly be.  We had to scream with glee every time we came back from commercial.  When they did the Crocs fashion show we had to make an audible sound every time they mentioned the price as if to say, "So affordable!" and when the mother and daughter models came out in their fashion Crocs we had to all give an "awww!"  It was ridiculous but I was committed and tried to be louder than anyone else.

We sat directly behind the camera so when it panned the audience it never seemed to go all the way around to get us….

But wait!!  It did!!! Lisa taped the show and caught this one moment at the end when they did a full 360 turn.  That's me, Lisa and Kats standing up with our arms in the air. I was determined to get n the air and waved my arms like I was on a desert island flagging down a passing jet.   Jana is on the right in the middle of a demure clap.  
This experience didn't convert me into a View watcher (or a Crocs wearer)  but it was a really fun morning.

1 comment:

didi said...

wait, all that oohing and ahhing and awwing isn't real?!?!