Friday, May 13, 2016

Laughter and Tears

Nancy suggested a great little cafe near Washington Square Park for breakfast.  We all look pretty happy despite that fact that it was pouring rain that morning.
This is our HANGRY look!!
Ok, we interrupt fun and happiness for a more somber experience…the 911 Memorial.  Lisa, Kats and I wanted go, so the others…did something else but now I can't remember what.  Anyway, I know it's sad but I really liked the museum.  They did an amazing job creating it underground.  
You were not allowed to take pictures inside the exhibit room…which I think is good because it was very personal with voicemails from the passengers on the plane and pictures of injured people.  But, of course, bad for blogging.  All I can say is that if you are in NYC, I would recommend it.  It was incredibly moving without being over maudlin.  I nice tribute to the victims and to the rescuers.
This is above ground at the museum - they have two memorial water features where the twin towers once stood with the names engraved all around them
We ended the day on a high - - seeing Dear Evan Hanson, a new off Broadway musical. SO SO GOOD!!  We laughed and cried.  It was good enough to make us forget that we weren't at Hamilton.
The lead was played by Nancy's cousin but that didn't even get us an autograph!  We waited out front for him to come out but he never showed up.  He was probably trying to avoid the geeky bug eyed fan who was waiting next to us (I'm sure he wasn't trying to avoid the 7 middle-aged women who giggle and call themselves "Fabbies"!)

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