Sunday, May 22, 2016

Graduating into a birthday

Our baby boy received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics yesterday.  It seems like only days ago he was making up little sports games he'd play using only his fingers and inventing fake names for his 'finger athletes' (Carmelo Ichi was our favorite)
He used to keep statistics in all his made up games, which makes sense now that he will be a math teacher come the fall.

Now look at him!

His students will be calling him Mr. MacKay.

Jen and I dressed up for the occasion.  

The ceremony took two hours from start to finish.  Intellectually we knew it had to end, but it was difficult to feel it would end.
If I were the producer of the event I would have eliminated the Trustee speech and the Alumni speech.  Nothing against them, but I'm making the difficult cuts.

Anyway, look at Joey on the big screen!

Our other kid also was walking in this graduation.  Joey's girlfriend, Allie, received her BA as well.

Joey is all smiles as he accepts his diploma.

Meanwhile, Allie is all adrenaline when she received hers.

After the ceremony we were invited to Brenda's to celebrate not only Joey's graduation, but alson Bret's birthday.
If it wasn't Bret's birthday party I would have beat him.  He knows I hate having my ears touched, so he faked me out with a hug while giving me a wet willy.

I will get my revenge.

Jen and Keith take a nice picture.

Brenda made a nice fruit covered lemon cake for Bret's birthday.
Wyatte and Malikai fought over who would blow out the candles.
Some traditions never change.  I remember loving blowing out the candles.  I'm sure our parents remembered loving it too.

Despite catching Trudi with her eyes closed, she looked lovely.

Zoe indulged us by letting us take a picture of the pregnant woman shooting hoops.

Admittedly, I was three beers in by this time...

Love this picture, a keeper.

Congrats Joey.
Happy Birthday Bret.

1 comment:

didi said...

Congratulations Joey! Happy Birthday Bret!