Friday, April 29, 2016

Festival Friday!!

It's Lit Fest Weekend!!!Which means there will be lots of author picture on the blog soon.
But for now, the town is quiet.  The banners are up!  And some kids have created a Poet-Tree.
But best of all....the Fabbies have arrived!!!!!!! Laura helped me to pick them up at Logan since my little clown car could not fit Fabbies and fabbie luggage.  So far it's just the Fabbie Five - Jana, Lisa, Kats, Chris and me...Laura is honorary Fabbie since we are all piled up on her new bed.  Earle was the photographer. 
After the festival we meet Dawn and Nancy in NYC for a super fun week - which means the blog may have to wait until I'm back as we will be busy busy busy.  (And Bill is having tech issues getting his photos loaded.)  But we'll see...just don't panic if there is no post - we'll be back!!

1 comment:

didi said...

Yay! Good luck! Have fun!