Monday, May 16, 2016

Still in the Big City - Times Square and the Highline

Cheers!!  We're back in the Big Apple reporting on the annual extravaganza that is - Fabbietopia!
This is us, out for a late dinner after seeing Dear Evan Hansen.  Dawn lead us to a little Italian place called Becco.  

Lisa was not happy that the yummy dipping sauce that came with the bread was gone before she could get to it.  This looks like it would be good for a caption contest - what is Dawn thinking in the background? 
It's not easy to get 7 people into a selfie but I had a week of practice.
When I talked to Bill that night he asked how things were going….and were we fighting yet?  I don't know why he would ask that when the Fabbies never fight!!  Despite how we might act towards the rest of the world (and I'm really thinking of myself here…and you all know what I mean…) we never have a moment of disgruntlement with the Fabs.  However, for Bill, we decided to show him what it would look like IF we had a melt down.
Times Square was relatively quiet that night.  I think it was a Tuesday.  The week becomes a bit of a blur when you aren't working.  Anyway, we did our usual photo shoot amidst the neon signs.
Wednesday morning - The Highline! 
We walked from end to end.  Jana was on the it the day before and told us about a man that was wandering around in his underwear.
And he's still there!!  Turns out it was an amazingly realistic statue of a sleepwalker.  
The bad news is that Wednesday is when the goodbyes start.  
First to leave us was Lisa.  She peeled off of the group while we were on the Highline to head back to the apartment, get her bag, and jet back home to Albuquerque.
I hated to say goodbye…and so did the sleepwalker.

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