Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Zoe's birthday and clam strips

Bret was away at Army reserve and missed Zoe's birthday, so we took her to Michael's Harborside.
She had never been.  It was a perfect day to eat on the deck and look at the harbor.
Alas, Jen and I continued the controversy over clam strips.  I love them.  I don't like the consistency of the fat clam belly.  It often has sand in it and to me it's like chewing a scrotum.  I think I get the delicious clam taste, without the scrotal after taste.
Jen aggressively disagrees.
She is wrong.
 Zoe liked it so much that she said she was taking Bret their for his birthday a few days later.
 It was such a lovely day that the Queen came out for a little visit.

1 comment:

didi said...

Wait, what? Does Bill really have a huge tattoo of the queen on his arm? I think we had this convo before, but I don't recall it being that big? Or is this one of his shady photoshop photos?