Friday, May 20, 2016

And Then There Were Two...

By Friday it was just me and Jana. But we had a fun night planned - The Crucible starring Ben Whishaw, Ciran Hinds and Saoirse Ronan.
Did I say a "fun" night?  I forgot what a damn downer The Crucible is.  Oy - it's all pain and misery and just ends badly for everyone.  Good acting but i could have used a dance number to lighten up the evening.
Since we are approaching the end of Fabbietopia I thought I would add a couple pictures of Nancy's fabulous pad. When we had more people sleeping here they brought in cots that were quite comfy.
I lucked out and got the master bedroom for the last two nights.
I think I was watching Househunters International when I took this picture.
And here we all are - seven happy faces.
We are no longer together but we'll always have NYC!

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