Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Jazzy Joey & Friends

Jazz Night.  Joey loves Jazz.  One of the U Washington classes he took was on the history of Jazz.
Jana has friends from her gym who have a marvelous apartment overlooking Seattle's famous public market.  We ate pizza and salad before heading to the club for an evening of great Jazz music.

Joey is pumped and jacked.
I loved, loved, loved spending the week with my baby boy.  He's all grown up.
(As I type this Joey received a job offer he's going to take to be a math teacher at Peabodys Bishop Fenwick private high school!  So proud of Joey.)

This is the life Jen deserves to live.
The club was a two minute walk from our new friends apartment.  Good living, indeed.
Here is Jana's husband, Jim.  He and I quickly became best buds.
The other best buds.

And here is our band.  Brian Nova and friends.
Great sound. We watched the drummer particularly closely, as Jen has upcoming drum lessons we need to compare her results to.  He didn't twirl his drumstick once.  Disappointing!  That is the one move Jen is determined to master.

I think this is the point where one of our new friends realized the band was playing a Beatles cover ... well after we all knew it.
 Joey did not want to be interrupted while he studied the Jazz.  (actually, he was texting Allie, but we'll cut him some slack.)
Jen and Jim were very moved by the music.
My excellent travel buddies.  This was one of the highlights of the trip.  
Really fun night.


didi said...

If you moved to Boston you could have this kind of life, just sayin'!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Joey! Amie