Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Art is a Drag

Saturday night we met up with my old boss Chris and his husband Dan.  They live only a few blocks from our airbnb so we walked over to their place and we all set out together for the night.  They had a full agenda for us!
First stop was at a bar overlooking the Commons for champagne cocktails.  We don't seem to have a picture of that but we do have this one from our walk - several trees were wearing sweaters (that's a knit covering on the tree) but this one also had 3-D puppy heads on it.  So cute!
After cocktails we went to a place called Liquid Art House - - a restaurant/gallery where all the art is for sale.  None of the art was our taste but I liked the concept anyway and I appreciated Chris and Dan's thought process of combining my love of food with Bill's artistic sensibility for a night out.
Here is an example of the art.  I called this "The Eyeball".  It was actually my favorite so that tells you something about the selection.
I take that back - my favorites were the panels on the doors of the ladies room stalls.  
Chris and I looking cute at the table. I miss working with him.
We decided to do the tasting menu (of course!) and Chris, Dan, and I did it with the wine pairing.
I've already forgotten what the courses really were but here are a few…
This was seafood ceviche…there must have been more to it but I remember it was good.
This was a miso soup with an airy cracker of sorts on top. You crumbled it up into the soup dish below.
This one had a sugar piece that was like glass…I think this might be the fois gras which we all were unexcited about by name but in the end it might have been the best dish of them all.
I'll spare you the rest of the dishes.  They were all good and the wines were a great match until the end since I don't really like dessert wine.
After dinner we decided to pop into a nearby establishment for the last 45 mins at the drag show!  (Chris and I are in the bottom left corner but we're very dark)

I didn't hear any of the performer's names.  They had varying degrees of lip synching skills but this one knew how to strut her stuff.
The gentleman was an audience member who some how lost his shirt.

Chris and I were thoroughly enjoying ourselves.

Dan on the other hand was a little disgusted with the whole scene.  He warned us that it would be full of hen parties and he was right.  Most of the audience were groups of women cutting lose for the night as if they hadn't been out of the house in six months.  

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