Thursday, March 17, 2016

Another Guest Post from Joey!

Hey guys, this is Joey doing a guest blog post at the request from Dad and Jen! So here is the amazing, fun-filled vacation to Seattle from my point of view!

We started off on the plane, with Dad and Jen sleeping, and me writing in my journal the entire 8 hours that we were in the plane.

On Day 1, I got to call the shots, and we ended up at the Seattle Arboretum. This was their Japanese Garden. We got the perfect weather for this visit, and it was a wonderfully relaxing way to start this week. 

The Sounders game was absolutely one of my favorite parts of the entire trip. I am not a huge soccer fan, but I am incredibly jealous of the enthusiasm that the fans bring to the game. It was 90 minutes of non-stop singing and dancing from their main fan section. I wish the Celtics adopted some of their antics. 

One of the only things that I insisted that we did while in Seattle was to visit my former school - The University of Washington. The first picture was my dorm hall, Haggett Hall. The next is their amazing library. And the third is me and Dad in the quad, where the cherry blossoms were in bloom. Even though I only spent a year here, I still have tons of love for this college, and it was really great to be back on campus, even if it was only for about an hour. 

Here was the best picture that I got of the trapeze artist that we saw on Tuesday night. Pictures were not allowed, so this is the best I could get while doing it secretly. 

Here is Bob, Deanna, Dad and Jen walking around Mt. Vernon after our lunch. I was extremely happy to be the 5th wheel on this lunch date.

My Wednesday involved a 12 mile walk to this beautiful place called Discovery Park. I made it to the western tip of Seattle, and took a selfie on the rocky beach. It was a great adventure, even though I was poured on for about 3 hours out of the 6 hours that I spent walking. 

On Thursday I snuck away from Dad and Jen to visit Walla Walla, Washington. This is where my good friend Sam lives. She was the only person that I really hung out with consistently at UW. The first picture of the two of us back when we were freshmen (and back when I had a glorious beard). The other two pictures are of my new best friend, Ava, who is Sam's 11 week old puppy. She is a golden doodle, and she is a biter. 

Overall, this trip was absolutely amazing. I love Seattle, and being back there was the perfect way to end my college career. Thank you so much to Dad and Jen for making this happen. Who knows, maybe someday I will end up living out here again...

P.S. As my Dad mentioned on the blog already, when I returned from Seattle I had a few job interviews. I finally accepted the job at Bishop Fenwick High School as a math teacher. I could not be more excited to start this next step in my career. This school seems like the perfect fit for me, and I think it will really help me grow into the teacher that I want to be. Go Crusaders!


Jen and Bill said...

Great guest post🎺

didi said...

Congratulations on your job, Joey, or should I say Mr. MacKay!

Jana said...

Congratulations on your job offer! It was wonderful to meet you. You're such a positive, enthusiastic, interesting young man. You will go far in life. And I, for one, will hold out hope that you do end up back in Seattle some day! Your Sounders season ticket awaits 😉

Fletch said...

Yea! More Joey! Congrats on your new job!