Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hipsters and Hippies

Our Friday night was spent out with Bill's boss Debbie and her beau, Chris.  I met her several times when she came to London for work and now when she goes to London she goes to the Vic and does trivia with Jerry and Jules!!  I'm happy and depressed about that at the same time.  
They suggested meeting for drinks and live music at a place called Sally O'Brien's (Sally O's for those in the know) in Cambridge.
I may have been the youngest person there.  It was like being teleported into a Bernie rally.  All of the other patrons looked like they went to Woodstock, wear hemp clothing and probably smoked more than a few joints in their day.  Aging hippies are a nice lot and I enjoyed my time among them.
I didn't get any pics at dinner but we went to a pub down the street.  Bill told me to order for him and he definitely had the best meal at the table - mac and cheese with prosciutto or something in it to elevate it above the average cheese and pasta dish.  Then back to Debbie's place on Lewis Wharf for a nightcap and the view.
I wouldn't mind looking out my window at that skyline every night.  One good thing about staying out late is that I was well into my Fitbit step count for Saturday before I even went to bed!

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