Monday, March 21, 2016

Gum Wall

One of Seattle's hottest tourist spots is….the Gum Wall!!

Everyone made fun of me for wanting to see this so badly…but look at it!! I love the colors!  I love the texture and the fact that people tried to spell things in gum.  I love the tenacity  - Seattle tried to get rid of the gun wall by cleaning it and, of course, it was immediately resurrected.  You can't keep a good gum wall down.
We added our own - Bill and I put two white blobs next to the letter B for Bill.  Sadly, they fell off the wall.  We didn't seem to have the right kind of sticky gum.
Bill added these next few pics…and I'm not really sure what is going on here….
Joey at Starbucks (Bill here.  This is the first Starbucks.  We are kind of mocking the fact that people stop and take pictures and wait a long time in line to be at the first Starbucks.)
Joey contemplating life in an alley

When you have a nightmare tonight you can thank Bill and his little buddy - this had better not show up  in my Christmas stocking this year...

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