Tuesday, March 29, 2016

16 Years

16 years ago Bill and I made our vows in front of this little Scottish man.
And in front of all these people.
I looked back over the past six years of writing this blog and while a couple of these pictures were posted before on our anniversary, many of them were not.  I thought for sure I was boring you all with yet another re-do of our glorious day. 

Here is my glamor shot.
Or wait - maybe this one is my glamor shot!
One thing is certain…this is NOT Bill's glamor shot.
I still don't know who's hand is on the family jewels...

We didn't have a traditional wedding but we did have a dance.

Our fabulous witnesses - Babe of Honor and Best Hombre.
This is the one where Whitney throws me some shade - she looks photo shopped in from some other fashion shoot in Paris where she's a little bored but willing to tolerate being photographed by for the little people. 
The dinner at The Witchery…the escalating noise level....the cherub's ass….We might have gotten a bit out of hand.
There are a lot of teeth in this picture!

And then there was Irene and her scotch and her accordion.  No breakfast is complete without all three.

Lisa blames my mother for the amount of alcohol she consumed the following night.  There is a photo of my mother actually pouring wine into Lisa's mouth but I don't have is scanned.  Instead I have this - Lisa thinking that her placemat is a field of daffodils to frolic in while Mom looks on with a mischievous look on her face.

Of course, the wedding week ended with Mom hitting her head on the train and slowing turning black and blue from the top down.  
Sometimes I have to admit that Bill got a raw deal….before the wedding I'm smoking his cigar (that is not a euphemism)...
The day after the wedding I made him check my teeth in public.
By the middle of the honeymoon he knew he was a slave to me and Petey.  This photo is indicative of the past 16 years.

The other day Bill said that I never actually agreed to marry him.  He should know by now that I never do anything I don't want to do.  I wanted to marry him then and I would do it all over again. I love you, Bill, like a whale loves its spout.
Happy Anniversary! xox


didi said...

Best wedding ever!!!!! Best wedding guests ever (even if some of us invited ourselves along.)

Jen and Bill said...

Love you, Sausage

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Amie