Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve Eve

The day before the last day of the year.  People to see....places to go....

Bill has his end of the year outfit on.
 He wore it to shovel this.  Mother Nature's reminder that she will not be corralled by weather reports.  
Noelle came over to spend the afternoon with me in front of the fire and explained to me that bright colored belts are in.  Must get a bright colored belt. 
 Dinner in Cambridge but first, some quality time with Nate.  Must get those monkey pajamas to go with my bright colored belt.  And bright colored bibs are in too.
 Diane trying the naughty librarian look.  She thinks the dark frames don't work for her so she needs to see my magic eyeglass man.  He will determine her four-eyed fate.
 The shot of the night - Bill behind the bar with Rowan (Ronan?).  Diane spotted him (without her glasses!!) across the restaurant and thought he was Bill's doppleganger.  Bill of course is much cuter and has a rockin' plaid vest but it did make for a fun photo shoot.
 Jen, Stacey, Dave and two empty wine glasses.
 Bill misses Di Di when he's in London.  We need to soak this all in to get us through the next few months abroad.

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