Monday, December 3, 2012

Doug and Marge - the farewell tour

Doug and Marge are back again for the last few days of their 3 month European Tour.   They arrived Sunday late afternoon full of stories about London.  Only Marge walks out of Kensington Palace on a first name basis with the docent.  They bought another piece of luggage to carry their purchases.   Overall, that sounds like a good time.
Dinner in Windsor for Doug's birthday.  Unfortunately we seemed to be seated in the 'American Room'.  Every table had American accents - one with a particularly piercing voice (not mine!) voicing some anti-Obama rhetoric.  Marge and I wanted to rumble but Doug and Bill restrained us.  I think it would have made a good travel story for when they got home ("..and then Marge broke Bill's beer bottle and held it to her face screaming 'I'll Cut You!'....")
Today is packing day for D&M as they have to figure out how to pack what they brought and what they bought into 6 bags, each with a 70 pound max.  Should be interesting.

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