Monday, December 17, 2012

Hello Dollies

For those who are missing our updates from across the pond I give you Kate and Will - the collectible doll.  My Mom loves these dolls.  She has the royals, Michelle and Mr. President, Jackie O .... 
I should have a doll made of my Princess Jennie.  It would be the only doll in the Franklin Mint Collection that burps.

Mom wasn't going to put her tree up this year.  She's hurting physically (still struggling with her back and joints), so I know this took some fortitude to put it up.  Bret and I were going to suggest we set it up for her, but she beat us to the job, as usual.

Stay tuned for a Fletch posting tomorrow.  He's in town and wants to meet Jennie.  That could only be trouble for me.

1 comment:

didi said...

i miss the comments in the margin