Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fletchkin Donuts hookup

Fletch rolled into town, sporting a fine black suit and cinnamon roll.  
Jennie was so excited to finally meet our star supporting actor in The Jen and Bill Experience Blog that she agreed to meet Fletch at 6:45am.  We were 20 minutes late for our Dunkin Donuts meet up because I went the wrong way to work.  We were well down route 95 before I realized that I was heading toward my Mom's house and not to work.  I could say that I was tired or distracted, but the probable truth is that I am old and confused.
Once we finally connected with our blog buddy Jennie and Fletch got on like old mates.  Fletch regaled us with stories of million dollar deals and inept Sales Operations personnel.

Jennie and Fletch are fascinated by the remains of a cinnamon roll.

 Jennie could give Fletch lessons on the art of the photo shoot.


Fletch said...

Yesterday was clearly the highlight of my life. I had several observations from the trip:
1) Jennie is every bit a charming and wonderful as I had imagined. It leads me to further question what she sees in Bill.
2) I'm glad we have good insurance where we work. Clearly Bill is suffering from early onset dementia. I was able to find my way 2,700 mile to a place I've never been. Bill (AKA Magellan) was unable to find his way 20 miles to a place he's been a million times. The next time I see him he may be sitting on a park bench with his imaginary friends yelling as the birds with all the other "weird old guys".
3) As you know, Bill has certain "style" (I use that term loosely). Jennie was very tastefully dressed as expected. Bill, on the other hand, looked like he had gotten dressed in the dark out of the dumpster at a high end Salvation Army. I could attempt to describe his outfit, but it might cause other loyal blog readers to have to enter therapy. You can't "unthink" a sight like the one I saw yesterday.
4) I made Bill take picture of what I was eating so now he can have a picture to run when things get slow and I do know how he loves to take pictures of his food.

Overall, it was a great visit (at least with Jennie). maybe next time I am back I can attend a book club gathering and meet the other 3 people that read this blog...

Jennifer said...

I just want to say that meeting Fletch was like a dream come true. I was so sad that Bill shortened my dream time by 20 minutes with his bizarre driving detour. Perhaps he was subconsciously trying to keep us apart? Your plan was foiled, Bill. Fletch + Jennie 4-eva!!!

didi said...

where's my shout out? i was promised a shout out!!!