Monday, December 10, 2012

Last few hours in Edinburgh - for now....

We took an aimless walk in the morning before we had to leave for the train station.  Not far from Andrea's flat is a little village area called Stockbridge.  I recognized it from a few years ago - Bill and I wandered there for lunch one afternoon.  They were having a farmer's market so we went in search of snacks for the train.  I decided against the pheasant.  
 Someone must go to the market and buy these pheasants, pluck them and cook them up.  I bet in the end they are delicious (we had pigeon the night before and it was to die for - I will never look at those birds the same again) but I struggle with starting the process at this stage.  
We did a quick lap and found fresh baked croissants and sultana rolls (those are raisins to you!)
Then back to the flat to get our bags - this is a last shot of Dean Village behind Andrea's place.  It's like a little fairy tale land, isn't it?  We are already looking forward to our next visit.

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