Sunday, December 16, 2012

Look out Eton - Chris & Dan turn up the posh meter

Party at Chris & Dan's last night.  They haven't had their annual shindig in a few years so they decided to turn this year up to 11.  We were greeted at the door by one of the "staff" who not only took our coats but gave us a little numbered ticket.  He then told us that the bar was on the second floor and the band was on the third.  Once upstairs there were more people offering us little beef tenderloins on a stick and salad in a cone.  The food was delicious, the drinks were flowing and, yes, there was a 3 piece jazz band on the third floor.  
 Despite all the efforts the men went to, it was really Bill who stole the show in his red bandana shirt and Dandy in Aspic blazer.  I was hesitant to move forward with the outfit but was proven quite wrong by all the fashionable men who praised the daring combo.  
Bill also found a kindred spirit with one of the waiters who also enjoys a good cigar.  Meanwhile I caught up several old friends including a guy I grew up with in Needham who I see at these parties every year.  It's good to be home and back on the circuit!

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