Saturday, December 8, 2012

Not Knowing Your Limitations

Edinburgh is killing us.  We went out last night with new friends Lyn and John.  Andrea introduced Jen to Lyn during her last visit to Scotland.  We were warned that we may have trouble keeping up with them.  Those warnings were well founded, my friends.
We had a real fun night.  One of the conversational highlights included comparing the Scottish and U.S. names for penis and vagina.  We got some mileage out of "fanny", the U.S. slang for bum and Scottish slang for vagina.  Then they had a good time at my expense when I brought up "John Thomas" as a penis nickname, only I said "John Henry".  
We also had a spirited conversation about the name of the restaurant, Ghillie Dhu.  The name is Gaelic and John said it translates into Dark Boy.  Don't think we didn't reference that the rest of the evening.
We like to make friends with the strangers we run into during our adventures.  Jen was taking pictures of the restaurant crowd and these two ladies came over to our table wondering why we were stalking them.  We won them over with our charm.

 The previous night we went to dinner at The Dogs.  It was quieter than last night, but Jennie and I had some excellent laughs.  I love that,after 16 years together, we still make each other laugh.
Dog themed restaurant.  It was very hip.

 Our waiter was a thin, aging rocker type.  He was entertaining.

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