Thursday, December 20, 2012

Most inappropriate Director Award

Today was a special day.  My protege, Scott, honored me by dressing like me.  I take heat for my ridiculous outfits, but Scott is not one of the neigh sayers.  He want out and bought a new purple shirt, a pocket square and new shoes and combined it with a snappy velvet jacket.  I couldn't have been more proud.
Then it was ruined.
At our HR lunch with 30 or so teammates, the VP called Scott and I up in front of the room.  He proceeded to have the group vote on the best outfit.  Scott got 97% of the vote.  Our leader tried to drive a wedge between us.  No way, Mr. HR VP.  
Scott's homage to my dress attire brought a tear to my eye.  He even brought in a shabby cigar to complete the outfit.  Well played Scott.

We went for drinks with Debbie and a few others.  It may be my last outing with the team as I was inappropriate with a another Director.  I'll probably be written up.
The only thing that will save me is that Peter was just as bad as me and he will go down with me too.

1 comment:

chi said...

hey! the guy in the last picture is the cat guy, right????