This is me if I were a comic book bad guy.
My story is that I was a normal HR guy until they turned the game around on me. My boss came in to my office at the end of a day that we had a big layoff. He was carrying the blue folder (pink slips are so 60's, we use blue folders). It's a complete breech of HR etiquette. You never have the HR guy do all the work to fire people and at the end, fire them. You tell the HR guy well ahead of time what's going on and give him the choice to participate in the RIF (reduction in force) in exchange for something.... anyway, back to my story.
The breech of etiquette turns me bad. I decide to use my HR background for evil. I go from company to company as an HR consultant. Everyone thinks I'm just a friendly, helpful HR guy, but what they don't know is that while no one else is looking...... I set all the adjustable office chairs to the lowest setting!!! No one likes sitting in the low chair.....
Stay tuned for the dastardlys adventure of Decumbent Chair Man (I gotta get a new badass name....)
How does your bed play in to your evil HR guy badass?
You mean my other idea of conducting all my HR business from bed? I'll need help on the script tying those two story lines together.
maybe your bed is your secret hideaway that you return to after a successful mission!
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