Tonight was the last "All Bands" concert we'll see our kids perform in. The kids from fifth to twelfth grade perform together for one concert a year. When Joey and Bret were in the fifth grade we thought it was great that our little kids got to perform songs with 18 year olds. The difference between listening to the fifth and twelfth grade is like the difference between taking a few swings against me versus taking a few swings versus 100mph pitcher Daniel Bard. (Opening day is here .... seemed the right time for a baseball reference)
Said another way, the fifth grade sound is an assault on your ears like Liz Taylor's White Diamond perfume is an assault on your nose. Despite the punishing sound, it's a great tradition.
Joey dominated on the euphonium. Never heard of the euphonium until a few weeks ago when Joey casually told us that he no longer played the trumpet and the band leader had asked him to pick up the euphonium.
Louie Armstrong, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie ... all trumpeters.
Google "famous euphonium players" and you get people like Timothy Pelletier of the "Euphony Fonies" and Lyndon Baglin of the "Fairy Band".
Seems like the euphonium field is ripe for a new star.

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