Thursday, March 24, 2011

At least the food was ... wait, never mind

(Brenda makes the blog for the first time.)
It was Basketball banquet night this evening. I was at once nostalgic for the rituals of middle America, while at the same time bored and irritated. I wish I could just appreciate it for what it was.
Oh well, since I'm not going to change in the time I write this post, let me make fun of it.
The Freshman coach gave the best speech. He was charmingly touching and nerdy. Then the JV coach got up and made fun of how long the the Freshman's speech was. He's the former Varsity coach and has hosted a lifetime of these events. His speech rambled and swerved and bored and ultimately went way longer than the Freshman coach.
Then Joey's coach got up and made the JV's rambling speech look like it was scripted by Aaron Sorkin.
His first attempt at humor brought out the crickets and it was downhill from there. He teared up when he thanked his wife for her help. I know that sounds nice but it was totally random and awkward.
The night ended with the awards and my kid got stiffed. If it sounds like I'm being a protective Dad, yeah, I am.

This is Joey's favorite coach in high school, i.e not his current coach.

1 comment:

didi said...

Maybe the team would have done better if coaches wife kept her helpful comments to herself.