Tuesday, March 29, 2011

11 years ago today many of our readers were molesting cherubs in Scotland....you all know who you are!

Sure, its our anniversary. And most people do celebrate these special occasions with a night out on the town, a card, maybe even a small gift. We celebrated by being Joey. We decided to embrace all that is Joseph Robert MacKay. We played video games, we dressed as Joey (Bill's in his Larry Bird shirt, I'm wearing his monkey snuggie), we played in his room, we sat on his bed, we befriended his gnome.

Bill's colleague, a man of discerning taste, requested more Jen and Joey in this blog - so here is Jen AS Joey. Your cup runneth over, Fletcher!


didi said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!

amp said...

Still holding out for Dr Who to help me out on this one!

Susan said...

Happy Anniversary! And yes, I took notice of the cherub reference. Thanks for not posting photos.