Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sci Fi NIght

Work work work and a hellish commute....none of which makes for good blog fodder. So when life is dull I escape to books and movies. Current selections are Catching Fire and Never Let Me Go.

What?? You haven't read the Hunger Games trilogy? Its the young adult equivalent of the Millenium Trilogy. The latest must-read of the zeitgeist. Three books of teen angst, love triangles and, of course, an annual death match put on by the Government.

I read Never Let Me Go and yet I'm still confused in the middle of watching it right now. It's rather bleak - the story of three clone children who are raised to be organ donors for humans. Strangely enough the three are in a car right now driving around the English country side...and yet running away doesn't seem to be on anyone's agenda. They just return back to their donor center like lambs to the slaughter. I'm all for organ donating but preferably after death.

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