Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dog Treats

I came home late this afternoon from having my hair snipped at (I really can't say "cut" since she barely took anything was more of a shaping while some layers grow out) to find this little surprise in our front grass. What is wrong with people?!?!!

Meanwhile I have 3 other random comments:
1. I know we should have cut that ornamental grass before the snow ever fell but once we got snowed in there was no way to do it. Of course now its flattened by snow and looks ridiculous...and has poop on it!!
2. Look how light it is out at 5pm - can spring be far away now??
3. For those who remember my little faux pas of not recognizing my temporary neighbor as she washed my hair last time, I can proudly say that I did recognize her and greeted her accordingly.

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