Thursday, February 10, 2011

Best seat in the house

I love that there is a movie theater only two blocks from my house and that it shows interesting independent movies like "Tiny Furniture". And I REALLY love their popcorn.

Christin and I met tonight and I knew she would balk at another "sitting next to me in the theater" shots for the blog so I took a picture of the theater with my seat picked out (see red coat) - the aisle of course because I always think I'm going to have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie even though I rarely do. I was the first to arrive tonight.

The theater is pretty no nonsense - seats, projector, screen. I usually see someone I know. Tonight a woman who lives on my street who bought some little glass bowls from me at a yard sale a few years ago was there. I was tempted to ask how my bowls were but I thought it might seem strange for me to check up on them. The guy who sells tickets and runs the projector is also the town piper. And by that I mean he wears a semi-medieval costume and plays a little flutey pipe on sunny days. Every town needs one.


didi said...

reminds me of the red seat at fenway.

Jennifer said...

Even Ted Williams loves the Screening Room.

Jen and Bill said...

the screening room is so small that Ted Williams cryogenic head wouldn't fit in the seats.

didi said...

thats so funny!