Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rule Breakers

It will come as no surprise to our readership that there are unwritten rules in this house. Gets who sets them? Guess who lives to break them?

Rule #23 - No Eating in Bed. Now just to be clear, this rule is broken daily. Every day Bill gets his cereal in eats in bed. Then Joey comes over and takes all his meals in bed as though he is an invalid. At the end of a Joey weekend there are piles of plates, glasses, coke cans to be excavated from his room.

So tonight we made a chicken pot pie (from Tendercrop - for some reason these pies never brown on top so I have to put it under the broiler...end result - burnt chicken pot pie) and we wanted to eat it while watching the next episode of An Idiot Abroad. This means....breaking rule #23!!!

The monkey taunted me by chanting "we're setting a precedent" over and over....

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