Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bigger than the game

It was a great night at the last Ipswich High School home game of the year.
It was Senior Night and that usually means that all the seniors start the game. However, our coach didn't realize that and was not going to start all of them.
My son pulled the coach aside and said that wasn't right and he would give up his starting position for his friend Derek who rarely plays. We heard about it when one of the other seniors Dads told us how proud we should be of Joey for what he did. Derek's mother was in tears after hearing about it. We couldn't be prouder of the young man he's become.

The coach, give him credit, realized he messed up, apologized and started 5 seniors. And they rewarded him by playing the best quarter of the year. The crowd was pumped and the kids played with more passion that we've seen all year. Coach ultimately reverted back to old habits and played the usual starting 5 who ended up turning our lead into a 12 point loss.

To add to the night Bret brought Wyatte and Malikai, my Mom was there and our buddy Tres refereed.

I don't care what the scoreboard said, we won tonight.

1 comment:

didi said...

You SHOULD be proud of Joey. He is a great kid. And I love the photo of you with the little boys sitting on your lap, Bill. Very sweet. Next time try and get their hair stuck in the stands, though, resulting in an emergency hair cut to free them, will ya?