Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'll take Supercomputers for $1000, Alex...

It was a huge turnout at work tonight for the Jeopardy championship - Man vs Machine. After betting bizarre dollar amounts ($367?) and making some strange guesses (who knew Toronto was a US city?) machine ultimately kicked human ass.
Frankly I thought we would have minimal turn out and that people would take off after the pizza ran out. I underestimated the power of "blue" washing. Even I let out a cheer when Watson brought it home with "Who is Bram Stoker" to win with a two day total of $77K.

One of my roles at the event was to hand out the jeopardy bingo cards....WITH A PEN. People were literally dazzled when I handed it to them. On a normal work day it would take an act of God to get your hands on an actual office supply. If you want a pen you go to Staples and buy one. Yessir, it was a big night at the office tonight.

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