Monday, February 7, 2011

Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

I promised that I would share three generations of family black and blue photos and here they are! (As you can see by the push pins - these are proudly displayed on the bulletin board in my room.)

First we have Nana who got up in the middle of the night to go to the loo and fell - face first - into a bureau. I just can't look at this photo without laughing at how happy she looks. Nana knew how to work it for the camera.

Next is Mom. This is a follow up to the photo that we have clipped to the end of a nail file. In the nail file photo there is just a trace of a black eye but here the eyes are in full bloom. Bill and I met up with Trudi and Mom in London at the end of our "honeymoon" but they didn't warn us that she had fallen. It took a while to convince me that they had not been brutally assaulted while they were traveling and that we did not need to get the police involved. It was a disturbing look to get used to over dinner at Pharmacy - a chic London hang out that was decorated like the inside of an upscale CVS. They probably thought she wandered in looking for an ice pack and decided to stay for a meal.

And finally we have little Jen - fresh off the pavement when I fell from the top bar of the jungle gym in elementary school. One broken nose and a concussion later I can still remember how minutes before the accident I yelled to my friend Kathy to watch me do a penny drop. I thought she would be jealous. Instead I was told that my blood ruined her jacket. It also ruined the concrete with a sickly blood stain. I like to think that I've saved lives by prompting the change over to wood chips throughout the Needham playgrounds shortly after my accident.
(In the 1970's did they really think concrete under the jungle gym was a good idea?? We were sending man into space, for cryin' out loud, you'd think they would have figured this one out as well...)

1 comment:

didi said...

A very creative post Jen! If my memory serves me correctly, Stacey, Sue and I ran into Trudie & Susan at the Tower of London and witnessed firsthand Susan's black eyes. Memories!