Friday, June 17, 2016

The Patio Project Part 1

We hate yard work.
Even just mowing our tiny little patch.  And we have 2 giant holly bushes growing out of control.  And a non-blooming wisteria that has taken over our porch.
No longer.
We are landscaping!!
Goodbye holly.
Goodbye grass.
Goodbye wistera (Bill was a little tearful over this one).
Good bye dirt.  (We actually have nothing against dirt but we need a layer removed in order to put in more brick.)
These are our people.  Ryan - the landscaper and Greg our carpenter.  Greg is going to give us more porch.  Ryan is going to give us more patio.
Ryan also built this stone wall to separate the new upper patio from the old lower patio.
We even got a new orange downspout!! The old one was ripped from the house during hurricane Irene.  That was 2011 and all this time the water has just poured off the roof like Niagra Falls. Soon we will have the water contained and directed away from the house.  Could this be the end of our indoor swimming pool (aka the basement during the rainy season)?
Stay tuned for Part 2 of The Patio Project!!

1 comment:

didi said...

Wow, so exciting! But you're keeping (or re-creating) Bill's rock tower thingys, right?