Monday, June 13, 2016

Libreria Venezia

Before we left for Venice Fabbie Lisa sent me a link to a Guardian article on the 10 best independent bookshops in the world.   One of them was in Venice.
The sign said "Welcome to the most beautiful bookstore in the world".  See it at the end of the table on the left?
So of course I had to go in!!  Even though I figured that everything would be in Italian so I wasn't going to be able to read any of the books.
It turned out o be a bit of a jumble...
It's hard to make it out in the picture below but there was a gondola in the middle of the store filled with books.
On the little back terrace I found this staircase of old books.
I always do what I'm told (right, Mom?)
This is the view at the top looking one way….
Looking the other way….

And looking down.

I was wrong - there were some books in English!  But they weren't really my genre.

Bill was having his own bookish moment while I was in the store. 
I'm not sure I would call that the most beautiful bookstore in the world but clearly many others do. I've now been to 6 of the 10 bookshops on that list  - looks like our next trip should be to Argentina because El Ateneo looks pretty amazing!

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