Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Visit from Caroline

This post reminds me of the early days of the blog when we would just post one picture and maybe a few words about it.  Of course, back then we had zero followers so I guess it's all relative.  Well, think of this as a Throwback Thursday - just one picture and a few words. 

Caroline is back in the US for her summer break.  Blog readers may recognize her from a few London visits - she and her sister Geraldine go to London ever February so we saw them several times when we were over there. In fact, I think this is the first time I've seen her since we moved home.  

Caroline, Denise and I went out to dinner at Ceia followed by the largest size-small cups of gelato ever scooped.  Yesterday included a passing thunder shower, gelato, light until 9:00pm, and mosquitos - it's officially summer!

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