Friday, June 24, 2016

Fathers Day Golf

Joey took one for the cause when he agreed to golf with me for Father's Day.  Joey is not a golfer.
Despite the smiles below he was a bit nervous.  Joey is my 'always on time' son, so even though he went to the wrong course first, he was still there a half hour before the time we agreed.  He must of been extra nervous.
Joey is off to a tough start, as his bag tips over and his clubs spill out.  I immediately launched into action and took a picture.
His swing was a bit unorthodox but at list the results were terrible.
Joey didn't mind that he was hitting the ball all over the place.  He minded that there were so many little etiquette rules in golf.
Joey thought that having to keep quiet while others took their shot was weak.  He wanted to taunt the other guy while he shot.  Sounds like my son, all right.
Joey is tall and had to hunch over to swing.  His form coming out of the trap exemplifies that.
Near the end of the match one of Joey's shot sliced wide and almost took out an older guy.  We yelled 'fore' but he didn't hear us (neither of us have strong voices).  He came up with his arms wide and yelled 'REALLY?'.  I thought we were going to end up throwing down with the old man.  Joey's first golf fight (mine too).  

Really fun day.  Next up is to go with Bret, also a non-golfer.
He might have taken on the old man.

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