Friday, August 21, 2015

Yorkshire Treats

Here's another post from our Yorkshire days….on the last night Alice invited us to dinner.  She made a lamb stew and served it in the dinning room next to the fire.  It was cold and rainy outside but we were warm, well fed, and happy.  After dinner Bill mentioned having a smoke.  Michael smokes a pipe so he went to get his…and they both sparked up indoors. Alice and Michael acted like that was normal but when was the last time you actually saw someone smoking in a house?  Bill still felt like he had to sit by the fire so the smoke would go right up.
Michael told us that he is a barrister so i asked if he had to wear one of those wigs in court.  Yes, did I want to try it on?  Did I??  Yes, Please!!  
Let us smoke indoors and wear your wig and we will be the happiest guests ever.