Friday, August 14, 2015

Our home in Hutton-Le-Hole

The caravan was unique and different and I'm glad we did it.  But our new Bed and Breakfast is top notch. 
Our bedroom is about the size of the whole caravan.
And this is the view from our window.  The family sheep graze in the distance while a little table and comfy chairs await us.
What I really wanted was a bathroom!! There is a glass shower behind me that you can't see in this photo - I was in it as quickly as possible when we arrived.
The smell of freshly picked sweet peas in the room covered up our apres-caravan aroma until we could get cleaned up.
The rest of the house is just as inviting.
The sitting room for guests - there are 2 guest rooms but we are the only ones staying there this week.
Our breakfast room.  Eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, home made bread and endless pots of tea….
This is Musket.  While Bill was golfing on Wednesday I was sitting out in the yard eating lunch.  I got up to get get more water only to come back and find that she had jumped up on the table and absconded with my sandwich!  Luckily I wasn't very hungry after the big breakfast.  And I couldn't be mad at this face.
Our hostess, Alice, let me go into the barn to see the new beagle pups.  I think I could easily fit one or two into my bags tomorrow, don't you?
Alice also took me around to several of the small churches in the surrounding villages.  She probably felt sorry for me because Bill left me carless all afternoon.  Each of the churches was a different architectural style.  
Before Bill left we took an amazing drive around the moors (another post just for that!!) and then into Helmsley, one of the many quaint villages that are sprinkled throughout the area.
Helmsley has it's own castle ruin but I didn't have time to really explore it.
I ended the afternoon with a long dog walk with Alice.  This is the view of the house from the hill top behind it. We couldn't ask for a more beautiful setting or nice hosts.  


didi said...

Wow! Really so beautiful.

Whitney said...

Incredible - givent he fact taht I've only been outside London Jan-March I had no idea!