Sunday, August 9, 2015

This is not a flashback

Yes, Fletch, there will be more pub pictures in the next two weeks.
That's because Jen and I arrived in London yesterday for a holiday.
London welcomed us back from our seven month's away with a parade in our honor.  Mayor Boris gave us the key to the city.  Kate Winslet drove us around in her mini van.

OK, none of that happened.  But it didn't matter, we made it back to England.

An overnight flight, a tube ride and train ride brought us to York for a beautiful Saturday.
We were jet lagged but powered on, as a true (and fake) Brit would do.

This is York Minster.  I've been here before, but it was on our honeymoon and I barely remember it.
I must have been foggy with love.  Or something like that.

England welcomes back their favorite daughter.
Big Asian tourist population in York.  This guy tried inconspicuously take pictures behind his three red balloons.  I was on to him.
I got busted taking pictures of people taking pictures.

As a result, my new friends used me as a prop.  I made the guy hold my cigar.
I like how the girl is holding her puppet on a string.

This is how Jen and I felt at this point.
Inside the church, Jen recreates the awkward candle lighting pose from our honeymoon.

We made it to Evensong.  A lovely sing song-ey service.
Jen loves an Evensong.
We limped along to dinner, barely awake.  But, again, managed to reach deep within ourselves to drink to excess.  More fun to come.
Sporadic internet lies ahead.  Be aware.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Great narration. Very close to an episode of Portlandia