Thursday, August 27, 2015

Last night in London (for now)

We wanted to spend our last night (for this trip!) at the Victoria.  It was a hot night so most people were standing around outside with their drinks and we had no trouble getting a table.  Shortly after we sat down, our old pal Ellen came in!!  Ellen worked behind the bar when we first started coming to the pub but moved to an events job at the corporate office a few months before we left.    We were very excited to see her again!
Once the Ellen excitement died down we went back to our usual posing - - this was some sort of angry pose for the boys.  At least Bill looks sort of angry.  Mike looks depressed and Jerry just looks like Jerry.
Heading home for the night.  Early flight Sunday morning.  
What a great trip - we packed in a lot and loved every minute of it.

1 comment:

chi said...

you didn't mention the couple snogging behind you (again!) in the first picture! What kind of place is the Vic?!?!?