Monday, August 24, 2015


As we entered our last day in London we had checked off most of goals for this trip.
Except one ...
I wanted another stuffed animal.

Dibley and I went to our favorite shop in the Tea Rooms in Spitalfield.  It was where we found Woodman the beaver.
First Dibley posed for an edgy photo in the bathroom of The Breakfast Club.
He's trying to increase his street cred.
There were a few new animals in the shop, but the thought of bringing home a baby goat was unsettling.  They also had some lovely birds, but Jen has not taken to having a feathered addition to the family.
Tucked in a corner of the shop behind a lamp, I found what I was looking for.
This is a stoat.  Or a mink.  Or a weasel.  We liked the idea of a stoat, so that's what he is.
He's got a good, friendly face.
We haven't named him yet.  It has to be decidedly English.
It has to be a bit classy.
I'm thinking he has to have a last name too.  Something J.K. Rowling would be proud of.
Stoat has fit right in.  He made it though customs in both London and Boston without incident and is now hanging with Woodman the beaver and Simon the fox.


Mom said...

Cyril is a good British name.

chi said...

Hobart Fensterwald!