Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Monday at Ripon Cathedral

The day started out rainy...which could only mean one thing -scrabble tourney!!
I gave Bill a lot of leeway (is quoter a word?  Tootless?) and he beat me by a mile.  He's been using tootless every chance  he gets to prove it's  a word.   Cause it's not.

In the afternoon we drove to Ripon to see the cathedral.  This was a good one -nice architecture and lots of community stuff to look at like the flower competition.
First prize was not my style -I'm not crazy about birds of paradise.
A few more prize winners...

Then I headed for the crypt and snapped Petry in one of the little grottos under Jesus.  By the way, I paid three pounds for a photography "license" in the church so this was totally legit.
A pretty view of the choir.
Love this!! WWII display of thank you's  to the vets.  Great stories - I captured a few here. 
Then we drove over to Fountain Abbey but it was too late.  The site closed in 10 minutes and it takes 15 to walk to the abbey...looks like we'll be back in Ripon on Tuesday. We did manage to get this shot of Petey against the grass.  More pics of the Abbey tomorrow...


didi said...

Love your travel posts!

Lisa Roberts said...

Tootless is not a word because no one is actually tootless, at least in my family.

Whitney said...

Hi! Glad you guys are having a good time! I miss my weekly visit! WWII letters made me cry.